Engine Type: 110CC, Air cooled, 4-stroke, 1-cylinder Start Type: Electric start Transmission: Chain Drive Max Torque: 6.5N.m/5000-5500r/min Engine Gear: 3-2-1-N-R You may also be interested in Fully Automatic with reverse type model. Jeep Auto Shift Gear: Hand Wheelbase(inch): 55.12 Ignition: CDI Fuel Capacity(L): 3.5
TAOTAO JEEP AUTO is designed for children 9+. This Family Friendly model is Safe, Fun, and Easy to Drive, will safely carry two small riders. Automatic transmission with reverse, Bright lighting. 4-Point racing seat belt harnesses. Adjustable seat. Governor behind the gas pedal to control the speed from 15 to 35 mph.